Thursday, May 8, 2008

JAAL "Graps Tree"


Indrani said...

This tree resembles the Khejri tree from Wiki
Are they same? Can you help??

Unknown said...

Jaal tree is

Salvadora oleoides

Bharat said...

A detailed introduction of this vanishing tree is required here. Is there anyone who knows about this tree. I have seen this tree and enjoyed its deep shade and cool umbrella in scorching heat. Its fruit Peel is a desert Grape having herbal effects. It saves from loo (hot air of summer).Interesting fact about Peel is 'it is sweet if takan a handfull of it and sour if taken one by one'. One by one of it will cause itching on the tounge. It was abundantly found in Bhiwani district of haryana, however, due increase in water availability this tree must have vanished. But it is not visible in arid areas of rajasthan? Any guesses.

Unknown said...

There is about 600 Acer's of forest of these trees in my village , this is a wonderful tree and in summer this tree grows very fast and the shade of this tree is very deep but due to the climatic condition this tree is going to vanish because no new tree is growing in last few years

Metal slug said...

No., They arenot same at all

Dr Rashmi said...


Dr Rashmi said...

Excellent work